Good Works for Great Impacts
Make sure you are registered to vote! You can check your voter registration status here.
You must submit your voter registration at least 11 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote by mail in that election. Click here to register online.
If you miss this deadline, you can register to vote same-day at an Early Voting or Election Day Vote Center.
October 15
By-mail ballots mailed to voters
October 22 to November 1
Early in-person voting. Click here for a list of early voting locations.
October 25
Last day to register to vote for the General Election and receive a by-mail ballot. Click here to register to vote online.
October 29
Last day to request a by-mail ballot.
November 4
Ballot postmark deadline.
November 5
General Election
Deposit it in a ballot drop-box (open 24/7) in Salt Lake County. Drop boxes are open until 8 PM on Election Day. Click here for a list of drop box locations in Salt Lake County.
Voters wishing to vote in person, or drop off their ballot on Election Day, may do so at any of the Election Day Vote Centers. Election Day Vote Centers are open for the 2024 General Election on Tuesday, November 5, from 7:00 am - 8:00 pm.
Click here for a list of Election Day Vote Centers.
All vote centers are generic and voters may use any center in the county regardless of where they reside.
Voters who are eligible to vote in the election may vote at ANY Vote Center listed here on Election Day.
Valid Identification is required.
Voters may drop off their vote-by-mail ballot at a Vote Center during polling hours - no need to wait in line!

Thank you for letting me serve as your representative in the People’s House.
I am so proud to represent this incredible, active, and enthusiastic district, full of people hungry for change that will lead to more fairness and compassion in our government. By finding common ground and navigating this challenging political climate, I’ve had the opportunity to pass legislation addressing healthcare access for marginalized communities, police reform that protects people in mental health crises, support for people with disabilities and their families, improving our state’s medical cannabis program, and more. For me, this job has never been a soapbox or a rung on a ladder. This job is massively important and the way we do this job has deeply impactful implications for our community and for every single person in our state.